Quarters for the Jukebox

Album — Anthems for the Damned by Filter

Anthem for the Damned
Filter is back after a six year hiatus and musically picks up where it left off. The album cover art features a helmet propped on a rifle, gazing over a darkened wasteland with little room for the sun to shine through. The visual cue is dead on for the music inside. The songs dwell largely in a world of war, consequences, hatred and uncertainty with a splash of hope. Per usual for a Filter album, the songwriting feels very personable and unguarded. The songs work well with each other and the whole thing feels somewhat like a concept album, creating a very bleak landscape. Within that landscape are a couple of songs with a shot at being successful singles: “Kill the Day” (or its remix) and “Cold” (echoes of “Take My Picture”). Check for yourself.

Quarters for the songs: Kill the Day; Cold; Hatred is Contagious; Lie After Lie.

Worth listening, if you like: Army of Anyone; Audioslave; Sound Garden; Deftones; Nine Inch Nails; Stone Temple Pilots.

In the Jukebox — May 20

What’s new and in the jukebox for this week (alphabetically sorted by artist):

  • 3 Doors Down—3 Doors Down: More blue collar rock appropriate for radio play.
  • AM—Side by Side – Duets EP: Came out about a month ago; male singer/songwriter AM sings soft, simple duets with Meiko, Tina Dico, Julianna Raye, Buddy, Susie Suh and Rick Garcia. Listening to it has prompted me to download AM’s previous albums … happy, Leanna?
  • Filter—Anthems for the Damned: The band who brought you “Hey Man Nice Shot” and “Take a Picture” is back with an album after a six year absence … “Cold” (which has hints of “Take a Picture”) and/or “Kill the Day” (or its remix) could have some potential as singles.
  • Foxboro Hot Tubs—Stop Drop and Roll!!!: Neurotic, frenetic, old-school-feel rock ‘n’ roll.
  • Jesse McCartney—Departure: Not that I’m listening, but I feel obligated to say it’s out (it’s his “I’m grown up and have street credibility even though I used to sing and dance for cartoon music videos and now want to be Robin Thicke” album). The production sounds good (for the couple of songs I’ve heard); it will be interesting to see how mainstream play takes to it.
  • Mariah Carey—E=MC²: What does Einstein and relativity have to do with Mariah Carey? I don’t know … other than the brief sharing of initials. Either way, expect to hear clips of songs on YouTube, YouTube … .”
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